Use this free software to assist you in deciding the actual dimensions for your enclosure
- Subwoofer Box Calculator
- Sub Box Volume Calculator Green
- Free Speaker Box Calculator Software
- Sub Box Calculations
box calculator The graphic display is intended as a way to visualize some of the proportions as you manipulate the size of the box. Currently, its maximum size for display is 35' x 16' x 18'. The very first version of Subwoofer Simulator was a basic Vented-Box calculator compiled in one little MS-DOS command-line utility. The MS-DOS executable file used equations from Ray Alden's book, 'Advanced Speaker Design for the Hobbyist and Technician.' The utility simply calculated net enclosure volumes and port dimensions off one 'alignment'.
Features of current version - V3.1
Subwoofer Box Calculator
- Take into account the extra volume taken up by your ports, bracing and driver
- Check the minimum dimensions required to house your driver
- Quickly see the effect of changing port parameters
- Spot problem resonances and adjust your dimensions to minimise their impact
- Print your cutting list, including optional allowance for trimming with router
- Save your work in boxnotes project files, including comments
- Supports both Imperial and metric measurements
- Generate a text based report containing your choice of information
Boxnotes is written in Visual Basic 6 and runs under Windows.
Security information:
Filesize 380,928 bytes
MD5 Hash Code D80292CF51E2475D103D0010B4F9FF70
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Sub Box Volume Calculator Green
Get help for the Speaker Volume Calculator Use the Speaker Box Designer to determine the correct Speaker Box Volume for Your Driver Use the Driver Displacement Calculator to Determine the Displacement for Your Driver Read the Speaker Box Design Tutorial. Sub Box Calculator Software Online; The enclosure calculators have locks in each of the dimension fields. This allows you to lock a couple of the parameters of the enclosure and let others float to achieve the volume of the enclosure you want. The WinSpeakerz Box Calculators The Crossover Calculators. Subwoofer Box Comparison Calculator: Flash. SubBox allows you to do this, all without getting confused with complicated formulas. Their online calculator will make a subwoofer box plan, 3D model, and other calculations in only about 0.025 seconds! That's why it makes sense that SubBox registered a.PRO domain name, being the pros of subwoofer box designs.
For more information about using Boxnotes, see the User Guide.
If you use Boxnotes to generate your cutting list, see the Speaker Building page for assembly sequence.
For some ideas on reducing the impact of resonances, see the Damping Treatments page.
A Resonances Experiment was conducted to determine what type of resonance occurs between the driver and a wall.
Additional screenshots
When printing, more options are available by selecting 'Project / Generate Report' from the main menu, where you will be able to include the tooltips in the printout
Report options screen
Here's a link to a sample report with with all options selected
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Your program has made me a very happy customer! I have made 3 enclosures that have netted a first place with one at its only show. Keep up the great work and thanks again - Keith Riggins, SFC FSTD |
The Subwoofer Design Toolbox by MFR Engineering is an easy to use but powerful program for designing subwoofers.Its convenient tab interface lets you choose from box design, port design, enclosure design and woofer selection tools.It runs on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. |
The box design tool lets you design sealed, ported and bandpass boxes. It also includes 'free-air' modeling for auto sound applications. Simply enter your driver parameters, enclosure type and box volume. For ported designs, the program will recommend a port frequency or you can choose your own. Bandpass design is easier than ever before - choose a box volume and the port frequency is automatically optimized as you adjust the ported fraction of box volume. The Subwoofer Design Toolbox fully supports metric users too. |
Use the Car Response feature to see the effect of operating your sub in a wide range of vehicle sizes. For home subwoofers or convertibles choose the flat setting. Otherwise, choose the setting that most closely describes your vehicle. |
With the Subwoofer Design Toolbox, it's easy to compare frequency responses of different box designs on a single graph. Use the point tracking cursor to precisely identify frequency and magnitude points. Frequency response printouts can be in color or with symbols enabled to improve readability with black and white printers. |
Free Speaker Box Calculator Software
For ported and bandpass designs, use the port design tool to determine the correct port dimensions. Choose from round, rectangle or slot ports. Unlike some other programs, the Subwoofer Design Toolbox uses the more accurate divided chamber method for multiple ports. Context-sensitive design hints and recommended values assist beginners and pros alike. |
The enclosure design tool helps you design rectangular and wedge-shaped boxes. Calculate the volumes of prefab boxes too. You can calculate box volume from box dimensions, or you can calculate any dimension by entering the box volume you want and the other dimensions. Just enter your numbers, then click the Calc button next to the parameter you want to calculate. After you've specified the enclosure dimensions, click on the Show Template button to view a printable Cutting Template for the enclosure pieces you'll need. |
The woofer selection tool lets you quickly compare woofers without having to design a box for each of them. The Sealed and Ported Bass Response Figure of Merit rates 'how low the bass will go' compared to other drivers. The tool recommends when a port should be used. Estimated Box Requirements show you what box size to expect for a particular driver. |
The Subwoofer Design Toolbox contains everything you need to design your own high quality subwoofer the easy way! |