Star Wars Deleted Scenes Revisited Download Torrent

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  2. Star Wars Deleted Scenes Revisited Download Torrent Download
  3. Star Wars Deleted Scenes Revisited Download Torrent Pc
  4. Star Wars Deleted Scenes Revisited Download Torrent Free

One of the last things Adywan will be working on for Empire Strikes Back Revisited is a new Wampa to help unite the look throughout the movie. In the latest entry of our “Change Explain” series, I’ll show you why Ady feels this is necessary.

Download link for all my Star Wars projects. (prefer torrents). All of the deleted scenes that were added in really helped the story out, but man why did the. Re-editing of many scenes. Complete color correction. And much, much more! Conclusion: The Empire Strikes Back is the single best Star Wars movie out there (if not the best movie ever made), and this is currently the best way of viewing it! I could only find a 720p version, but this didn't influence my enjoyment in the. Reinstated the 'Luke has a moment' deleted scene. Reinstated the deleted scene where Finn gets his jacket back. Blended sound effect of Anakin's lightsaber with the original sound in two shots. Added a center wipe transition from Finn and DJ's conversation to the fleet being attacked. Removed the iron/spaceship gag using a few shots from a. Star Wars Deleted Magic Revisited 'Deleted Magic' is a feature-length documentary about the deleted scenes of the Star Wars trilogy, and about how the movies we know and love were made and edited together. It is taken from information, sources and home videos officially released by Lucasfilm.

Star Wars Deleted Scenes Revisited Download Torrent Full

The first time we see the Wampa’s face, it was a puppet made by Phil Tippet and shot in the United States.

Here’s a picture of his being filmed on the puppeteer’s arm.

The next time we see the Wampa (at least in the Special Edition), is when it’s snacking on Luke’s poor Tauntaun and is disturbed by Luke waking up.
ILM artist Howie Weed created and wore the new Wampa suit in a miniature set.

The shot of the Wampa lunging towards Luke was in the original theatrical edition.

Star Wars Deleted Scenes Revisited Download Torrent Download

This was a Stuart Freeborn full-sized costume (seen here from an abandoned sequence where we’d see the Wampa dragging Luke and the Tauntaun back to his lair):

The reaction shot of the Wampa after Luke cuts its arm off was added for the Special Edition.
Once again, this was Howie Weed in the suit.

Star Wars Deleted Scenes Revisited Download Torrent Pc

As you can see, the Wampa in the finished film (as seen on the Blu-ray) has three very different looks for being the same creature. Adywan is building a new puppet he hopes to use to replace some of these shots and remove the others to create a single look for the Wampa.

Star Wars Deleted Scenes Revisited Download Torrent Free

Don’t even get me started on all the different Wampa looks for the deleted scenes…

