Swift Date Formats

For the MTXML format, FTM SWIFT provides a set of XSD files for both types of FIN system messages (category 0 for FIN and GPA) and FIN financial messages (categories 1 through 9). These files can be integrated into the IBM® Integration Bus tooling to make it easier to use a message management routing node to route FIN messages. The Date structure provides methods for comparing dates, calculating the time interval between two dates, and creating a new date from a time interval relative to another date. Use date values in conjunction with Date Formatter instances to create localized representations of dates and times and with Calendar instances to perform calendar.


SWIFT message types are the format or schema used to send messages to financial institutions on the SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) network. The original message types were developed by SWIFT and a subset was retrospectively made into an ISO standard, ISO 15022. In many instances, SWIFT message types between custodians follow the ISO standard.[1] This was later supplemented by a XML based version under ISO 20022.

Composition of MT number[edit]

SWIFT messages consist of five blocks of data including three headers, message content, and a trailer. Message types are crucial to identifying content.

All SWIFT messages include the literal 'MT' (message type). This is followed by a three-digit number that denotes the message category, group and type. Consider the following two examples.

Example 1


  • The first digit (3) represents the category. A category denotes messages that relate to particular financial instruments or services such as precious metals (6), treasury (3), or traveller's cheques (8). The category denoted by 3 is treasury markets
  • The second digit (0) represents a group of related parts in a transaction life cycle. The group indicated by 0 is a financial institution transfer.
  • The third digit (4) is the type that denotes the specific message. There are several hundred message types across the categories. The type represented by 4 is a notification.

A MT304 message is considered an 'Advice/Instruction of a Third Party Deal' and it used to advise of or instruct the settlement of a third party foreign exchange deal. [2] Bluesoleil 8.0 crack. For example, an asset manager who executed a FX transaction with a broker would send a MT304 instruction to the custodian bank of the client.

Example 2

Convert european date to us date
  • The first digit (1) represents the category. The category denoted by 1 is customer payments and cheques.
  • The second digit (0) represents a group of related parts in a transaction life cycle. The group indicated by 0 is a financial institution transfer.
  • The third digit (3) is the type that denotes the specific message. There are several hundred message types across the categories. The type represented by 3 is a notification.

A MT103 message is considered a 'Single Customer Credit Transfer' and is used to instruct a funds transfer.[3]

Overview of SWIFT MT categories[edit]

The table below shows the different categories and the message type descriptions.

CategoryMessage typeDescriptionNumber of message types
0MT0xxSystem messages-
1MT1xxCustomer payments and cheques19
2MT2xxFinancial institution transfers18
3MT3xxTreasury markets27
4MT4xxCollection and cash letters17
5MT5xxSecurities Markets60
6MT6xxTreasury markets – metals and syndications22
7MT7xxDocumentary credits and guarantees29
8MT8xxTraveller's cheques11
9MT9xxCash management and customer status21

ISO 15022 MT[edit]

Although ISO 15022 message types are different in their structure than the SWIFT MT, the naming convention remains the same.

See also[edit]

  • ISO 9362 (standard format for SWIFT IDs)

Swiftui Format Date

External links[edit]

  • Message standards supported by the SWIFT network: 'Standards MT & MX Equivalence Table'(PDF). SWIFT. 28 July 2017.
  • Message types defined in ISO15022 'ISO15022 Data Field Dictionary - Index of Messages'. ISO.


  1. ^McGill, R.; Patel, N. (2008). Global Custody and Clearing Services. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Springer. p. 27. ISBN9781349282883.
  2. ^'List of all SWIFT Messages Types'. Paiementor. Retrieved 2020-01-07.
  3. ^'List of all SWIFT Messages Types'. Paiementor. Retrieved 2020-01-07.
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=SWIFT_message_types&oldid=1019306123'

In the wild world of 2019 SwiftUI development, lots of things aren't documented. One such thing I ran into recently was the usage of RelativeDateTimeFormatter in a Text view.

Swift Date Formatting

RelativeDateTimeFormatter is a new formatter which is available in iOS 13+ and macOS 10.15+. Though it's not documented at the time of writing (just like 14.6% of Foundation), there have been a fairamount of folks online writing about it. This formatter formats dates relative each other as well as relative DateComponents - its output looks like 'one minute ago' or 'two minutes from now'.

Most blog posts about RelativeDateTimeFormatter show its usage like this:

SwiftUI declares a custom string interpolation (which is a new feature in Swift 5) called LocalizedStringKey.StringInterpolation (also undocumented at the time of writing, like 59.4% of SwiftUI) which allows you to write Text views with formatters like so:

Let's assume I want to show the relative time from the Unix Epoch until now. I'll just write a Text the same way, right?

Unfortunately this doesn't work - the middle text doesn't show up:


There's also an error in the console!

As far as I can tell, the reason this happens is because RelativeDateTimeFormatter has a few different methods, with different signatures, for formatting its relative dates:

Only one of those matches the Formatter superclass definition that SwiftUI's string interpolation uses. I'm guessing that RelativeDateTimeFormatter's string(for:) method doesn't call into the same code that localizedString(from:) uses - it seems like string(for:) handles the Date case, but not the DateComponents case.

Hopefully this changes in a future version of iOS, but for now, we can solve the problem in a couple of ways:

Solution #1

Since what we want is the date relative to right now, and that's the default behavior of RelativeDateTimeFormatter, we can just pass in epochTime:

This gets us the result we want:

Note: if you want minutes, seconds, etc, set the formatter's dateTimeStyle and unitStyle

Swift Utc Date

Swift Date Formats

Also note: even though nothing at the surface level is calling localizedString, the string will be properly localized as long as you set the formatter's locale.

Swift Date Timezone

Solution #2

We can also ignore the custom string interpolation, and just call the formatter's localizedString:


Either of the solutions above would work for this specific issue, though if you want to output the relative time between two dates (instead of between one date and now) with the formatter: string interpolation, looks like you're out of luck.

Swift Date Time

Sample code for this post is available on GitHub .